22 Months Old:
- Counts to 10 all on his own, recognizes the numbers when he sees them and counts out objects.
- Knows his shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, star, heart, oval, diamond, pentagon, crescent, cube, pyramid, cone.
- Knows all the colors.
- Sings every word of the following songs: Blue Skies and Rainbows, Jesus Loves Me, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, ABC's, Old McDonald, and a couple other random songs we sing throughout the day. We randomly omit words as we sing them with him and he is always able to fill in the blank.
- He is trying to learn how to jump, which is a pretty cute sight to see.
- He loves to read, build towers out of blocks, play with his puzzles, color in his coloring books, brush his teeth for several minutes on end. His favorite new toys right now are the etchasketch, remote control car and his daddy's remote control helicopter. He says night-night to the heli-co-copt-teter every night. :)